Why "Daydreaming Escape..."?
The answer is so simple...Life in general is filled with ups and downs, good and bad, sad and happy moments, situations and circumstances...Because of all that...Don't we ALL need an escape...a DAYDREAM ESCAPE?!! I create this Blog for all of us who need to escape in a dream once in a while...I want this to be about beautiful softness, romance and relaxation. Of course...a little bit of humour too!!! Enjoy!

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Daydreaming Rendez-vous With Eva...

Because I am sharing my daydreaming Escape with you...I thought to share as well some of my favorites Artists and Designers. Escape yourself in this delightful rendez-vous with Eva...who generously took the time to describe to us into inspiring words what it took to get her dreams happened...Escape in this heartwarming Daydream visit with Eva...

Tell us a bit about yourself and your work. How did it all start?

My name is Eve but my mom calls me Eva. I work as an art director for a few magazines here in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. EvaJuliet was born when I felt the need of creating my own graphic design artworks with an entire liberty.
I dreamt of creating my own graphic projects without any restriction and constrain for a very long time but I always put it off because I didn’t have the time or it was not the good time for several reasons. From that moment on, I got the idea of the Make it Happen poster. I needed some reminder, some motivator, something that could help me every day to reach my dream. I thought maybe it could help somebody else and I decided to start my Etsy shop to sell this poster.
During the process, I have realized that it’s not about leaving everything spontaneously to follow your dreams but it’s about making one tiny action, every day, that brings you more and more closer of the situation you want to be in. But the most important is to make the first step in this way.

Who or what inspires you?

I find my inspiration at unsuspected places. One day, I found the inspiration for an illustration in a knurl, on my living-room wood floor! Inspiration is hidden everywhere! You just have to keep your eyes and your mind opened. Inspiration could also comes from a situation. For example, my Choose Joy poster was created after an unfortunate incident. I said to myself; I could choose to be angry about this situation and loose my time and energy, or, I could play down the importance of this, realize it’s not the end of the world and get back my good mood. The Choose Joy poster was born!

What do you love most of what you do?

Everything. I feel totally and entirely happy about everything as regards EvaJuliet. It’s like eating sweet cakes with a perfect café au lait, sitting at a table outside a café, by a splendid sunny day, with your best friend! Pure pleasure! I love to create, find new ideas, I love to take pictures, to receive comments from customers and chatting a bit with them. I like to go to the Post Office to send my illustrations all over the world. I like to think I propagate positive thoughts in the world.

You can find Eva's beautiful inspiring work in these following links:

{photos by Eva}


1 comment:

  1. i adore your blog!!! i can't wait to read more!!

